Who's In Charge of Your Happiness?

Who's In Charge of Your Happiness?

In this episode, Jesucita Rey drops the mic on the myth that happiness is a magic lamp someone else rubs for you. Buckle up as she shares her epic journey of ditching the "blame game" and realizing happiness is all about how you wrangle the reins of your life.

Jesucita spills the tea: happiness depends on your inner bartender, not the storm clouds outside. Start your day with a gratitude mojito, throw on some positive-thinking sunglasses, and evict negativity faster than a bad roommate. Remember, you're the CEO of your own happiness, so grab the metaphorical bull by the horns and create the life you deserve, one happy hour at a time!

Key takeaways:

Happiness: it's not what happens to you, it's how you juggle the lemons life throws your way.

Start your day with an attitude of gratitude bigger than your breakfast burrito.

Negativity and drama? More like uninvited guests. Show them the door!

You've got the superpower of happiness within you. Use it!

Building a happy life? Start with baby steps. Every journey begins with a single step.

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