WTH is Charm School Dropout

WTH is Charm School Dropout

Jesucita (00:00.91)
Hi ladies, welcome to Charmschool Dropout. I'm Jesucita and today we're actually gonna talk about why this show has the name Charmschool Dropout. What exactly does that mean? And I named this show Charmschool Dropout for a very particular reason. I was very sick and tired of women all over the world feeling like they had to fit into specific boxes and

be a specific way and that way was a definition that society had given of what a woman should be. And right now we're in this amazing place in life where women are starting to find their voices and they're starting to tell the world, you know, I'm pissed off, I'm here, I am a contender, I am a warrior, I can do anything that I want to in this world. I am woman, hear me roar. So

But previously to that, women were held, of course, to many different standards. The rights that you have today as a woman were actually fought for by women in the past. Women who stood up and said, no, I am not going to take this lying down. I am not gonna take you taking away my liberties for me or my rights or my God-given talents in telling me that I can't do this thing.

So Charm School Dropout basically means, this is for the ladies out there who are sick and tired of society in general or people in your life or even yourself trying to keep you in this small little box that is supposed to be just this little itty bitty thing that a female should be. Because that's not true, we're all different, we're all wonderful, we're all unique. We all can have different attributes to bring to this world. You are...

unique in who you are and just because One female who might be in your life acts one way or lives one way or believes one thing Doesn't mean that you have to you're totally unique And this show is to drive you to find out what that uniqueness is What gets you up in the morning? What makes you passionate in life? And to help you understand that you are strong

Jesucita (02:22.486)
You can make it through anything. You have to go back and think of everything you've already made it through. You know, you've already made it through parts of hell. You've already done the top and the heart. And you keep going. That is not a weak creature. That is not a meek little low life thing.

And that is what the show is about. It's about you not keeping to the proper etiquette of what the female is supposed to be by society standards. Or by what, you know, like I said, by what other people tell you you're supposed to be like. This is your life. And that will be repeated to you over and over again in these shows. You have one life to live.

you better fucking make it a good one because as far as you know, you don't have another chance to get this one right. This one is up to you, but you have someone like me and many other brilliant, amazing females in this world who are telling you that you have the strength to get it done.

So during the course of my life, there was a whole bunch of stuff that, you know, girls, girls were always taught what I construed sometimes to be some fucked up weird things that were just supposed to be acceptable. One of my favorites in life was, you know, oh, well, that boy hits you because he likes you. That is total fucking bullshit. If that was true, dude, I'm sorry. There are.

of girls out there who like boys too, they should be able to go up to them and just clock the crap out of them, right? You should be able to punch the crap out of them. Oh, and with the statement of, oh, but I liked him. Girls have been living with that for God knows how long. It used to happen to me and it just, it was like, oh, it was something that you were supposed to sit there and deal with. Like, oh, he likes me so he's allowed to hit

Jesucita (04:20.37)
Well, then if we're doing that to little girls at young ages, because it was done to me at a young age, then it's like, how are we helping women be strong later in lives when they're going to go into relationships with grown men and those grown men hit them.

Now we've given them absolutely no tools in order to get out of that situation because since they were little, we've been telling them, Oh, boys hit you because they like you. Okay. No, totally backwards. Right now. No, bye bye. That is not how this fricking works.

in regards to you know going through life and having things such as like voice hits you and things like that thrown at you your mentality begins to change and you begin to believe these things that people tell you because well why would they be lying to you or why would this be an untruth so you begin to believe those things and then they incorporate into your belief structure in your head

So, Charm School Dropout is trying to get women of all ages, truthfully, as young as humanly possible, to get these tools so that way we can build a huge, strong society of women whom are there for one another, whom build each other up instead of it constantly being this teardown competitor mode that a lot of women have been raised.

be like, you know, you're raised to look at women as somebody who you're up against and if somebody looks better than you or is going along better in their life or whatnot, you start doing these put downs to that other female in order to A, make yourself feel better and B, in order to just make that person hopefully stop moving forward.

Jesucita (06:21.598)
We should not be doing that as females. We should not be tearing each other down. That is not how we are going to build ourselves up as a community of very strong, well-rounded females who can think for themselves, who know that they can go after their dreams, know that they can live the life that they want. Tearing down other females does nothing.

It does nothing but cause hurt and pain and keep women low in life. And if you're a woman, you don't want women to be low in life. You want to be a contender in this world. You want to be a competitor. You want to be able to go out and get that life that you want. Okay. I'm going to be yelling at you constantly in regards to getting this life that you want.

and getting these tools as quickly as you possibly can. And it doesn't matter what age you are. Charm School Dropout is for every age group, for every female. But the younger that you are and the faster you can put these tools into effect, the greater your life is going to be because you have all these tools to put the steps in, to be able to put one foot in front of the other, to keep going towards your dreams, to make sure that the negative isn't constantly consuming you all the time.

to make sure that you're getting the positive shit in your life, but to also make sure that, you know, you're dealing with your crap, you know? You give yourself a lot of bullshit in life. Everybody does. Everybody gives themselves excuses constantly on why they can't do this or why they can't do that. But here at Charm School Dropout, it is for you to understand that you don't have to stay in this little box that so many people that you're gonna know in your life are gonna stay in. They're gonna stay in that little box forever. They're never gonna leave it.

They're going to live a mediocre life because they are afraid to go out and do the work and fail and have to try again and have to start over. They're terrified of change. You are not that person. You are going to get the steps to make you the most powerful contender in this world, the most powerful female that you can possibly be to get that life. So

Jesucita (08:38.966)
in regards to charm school i don't know if any of you really know what a charm school is i'm sure they still have them around today i don't know of any of them but i have a lovely friend of mine who actually had to go to a charm school when she was younger and she had to you know learn how to appropriately pour tea and she had to learn how to walk with a book on her head and i'm gonna shit you not i have actually done that i have learned to walk with a book on my head

out of my own merit to be able to stand up straight and whatnot. I'm not saying all tools in what a charm school would give you would be useless in life, but I am going to say that it definitely made it so that women were supposed to act and be the certain way. Now the beautifulness of this is that my friend who went to this charm school actually

is the total opposite of what you would expect to graduate out of a charm school. She's amazing. She is a free spirit. She does what she wants. She's smart. She's beautiful. She's funny. But she's definitely not that perfect. Oh, I'm going to come over here and pour you brilliant cup of tea. She will never be that woman. She's a strong-minded woman, a wonderful individual.

She was a single mother and just is a fabulous human being, one of those human beings who just runs with life. And even when shit gets her down, she always fucking shows up to the fight. So that, but just to give you an example of what a charm school is, you know, it's learning to sit appropriately like a lady should sit and how to be able to pour tea and be able to walk upright and...

There are many other things that contribute to this. And like I said, it's not all useless stuff. Definitely not. There are a lot of things in it that can help you be more positive, can help you be more confident in yourself, but it only teaches a certain amount to women and it definitely only teaches that small box.

Jesucita (10:55.394)
where a lady must look like this, a lady must act like this, a lady must dress like this, a lady must carry herself like this. That is all bullshit. All of us are different, all of us carry ourselves differently, all of us look different, all of us act different, all of us learn different. You are different. You're never going to be able to do it like everybody else does it. You're going to do it your own way and every female is different. There isn't just one way to be a female.

That is something that is just bullshit. And I'm sure many of you already know that. But this episode was to describe to you why this show is here. Like I've told you in every show, I am in your corner here. The reason that I am doing this is to

help you get the tools to get there faster, to know that you're not alone, to know that everybody goes through these things and that you are strong enough, brave enough, you have all of the courage in the world to be able to get there, to get that life. But it's gonna take time, and as I've said previously, it's gonna take what we call repetition. It's gonna take you doing these tools over

million times a billion times a trillion times as many times as it takes For it to sink in for you to be able to use that step to get it done You're gonna have to use these tools for the rest of your life is the outcome Because you're never gonna stop changing. You're never gonna stop growing. You're never gonna stop Trying to get to that life and once you get to this first goal that you have

you're going to make another goal that you're going to have to work towards. If you weren't working towards something in your life, life would not be worth living. Okay. There are people in this world where they're just like, Oh, well, you know, I just, I just want quiet and I just, you know, want to go to this dead end job that I bitch about all the time. And I just want, you know, these very mediocre things that are never going to make them happy are never going to get them to the next step.

Jesucita (13:13.55)
If you're not working on yourself constantly then there's always going to be turmoil inside There's always going to be you know, we're giving these tools are being given in order to help you get the power you need to be the badass woman that you are and Knowledge is power. I've said that before knowledge is power You

need this kind of knowledge to be able to get inside yourself, to be able to figure out everything that you've got going on and to be able to, you know, work with the negative you've got going on this side and then feed the positive that's coming in on this side. You need to learn how to be able to build yourself up when you have been smashed to the ground. When you can hardly get out of bed, when you can hardly lift your head up.

You've got to be given the tools on how to survive, on how to get back up and keep walking step by step. I don't give a shit how small the step is. Get up. That is what this is for. That is what this is about. That is why I am here. I am in your corner to constantly be in your ear telling you, get up, you've got this. You're amazing.

You don't fit into this box that everybody tells you that you fit into because you are you. You are better than that. This little box is going to do jack shit for you. You have got to figure out your own path as the female that you are and you are not like me. You are different because you are you. There is only one you in this world.

You have the capability. Everything you could possibly need is already inside of you. That strength and that capability to conquer this world is within you. It's already there. But there's gonna be lessons along the way, things that trip you up, failures, things that you're gonna have to learn, things that you're gonna have to work on a daily basis in order to get you where you need to be.

Jesucita (15:35.062)
You need to be able to embrace life's lessons in order to make that grand world and that grand vision that you want. But I don't ever want you to think that you're alone. There are so many women out there who don't have people supporting them, people telling them, you've got this, you're going to make it. You are.

But the one thing I don't want you to do is allow the world to allow society to allow social media to allow magazines and all of the ways that the world tries to tell a woman how she should be, how she should act, what she should look like, how much weight she should have on what her skin should look like, her hair, this and that, and every other aspect because you know that in this world there are so many things that get thrown at you as a woman.

of how you should look, how you should act, how you should be, what you should believe in.

You know, a lot of times women are told to shut the hell up. You shouldn't have a voice. You shouldn't get to speak. We don't care what you think that your rights are.

You need to have the strength inside of you, which we will be working on here, getting you to be that strong woman. But until that time where you're able to do this on your own, I am in your corner, in your ear, in your heart and in your mind telling you how fucking amazing you really are that you've got this be damned. What anybody else says or thinks about you.

Jesucita (17:15.83)
be damned all of the people who are going to tell you that you're not going to make it that you're no good, you're stupid, blah, blah. You've got this. Okay. And that's what charm school dropout is all about. It is about you finding your voice, finding the tools that are going to help you through every single moment of every single day to get stronger and more badass until you can find

every tool that you need in your toolkit to build that life that you want, that life that you want, not the life that everybody else wants for you. This one is up to you. Only you can make the decision of the life that you want and how hard you're willing to work in order to get there. And I am begging you, especially those who are my younger audience right now.

Please grab onto this with everything that you have. Please start as soon as humanly possible because the sooner you start implementing these tools, the better off your life will be. You will be leaps and bounds ahead of those of us who had to claw through life with none of these tools and none of the understanding that it would make our lives better.

Those of us who are from the older generation, all we should be wanting right now and all we should be doing right now is building up the younger generation. That is all we should give a shit about right now. Yes. Care about your own lives and get that work in and get it done. But the younger generation right now is suffering. I have seen kids.

who can't even put a coherent sentence together. They can't look people in the eye. They don't know how to have a conversation with somebody who's in front of them, but they can sit on their damn phones all day long, okay? That is not what we want for our females who are growing up in this world. We want strong warriors who know as a female they can do whatever the hell it is in this world that they want to.

Jesucita (19:28.278)
That is what we want for them. We want them to have the strength. And we are the ones who need to give them this strength to say, you are totally capable. You are more than capable. You were destined for this. You were destined for this moment. You are a fucking female. You be relentless at getting your dreams accomplished. You be relentless.

at learning how to love yourself. You be relentless in every single tool that's going to make your life better because you are a female. You were built to withstand so much. Now it's time for a payback for that.

a way for you to benefit, a way for you to get ahead of the game, a way for you to live that blissed life that so many people dream about. It's time. It's time for you to wake up. It's time for you to sit down. It's time for you to get the tools. It's time for you to do the work. And it's time to start putting one foot in front of the other to get where you need to be in this world.

I am in your corner. I am here to egg you on. I am here to promote the type of life that you are looking to live and to give you the tools in order to get there, to get there faster, to get there more aware, to have all of the power and all of the information about yourself. So that way nobody in this world can break you down.

and try to keep you in the little box. The little box sucks. No more little box. Okay. I am in your corner. I don't want you to just play this podcast once and then, or this episode once. I don't want you, I want you to play this.

Jesucita (21:43.078)
Anytime that you need to hear it, anytime that you need to hear a voice that's in your head that says I can fucking do this. I am fucking amazing. I am a female. Hear me roar. I want you to listen to these episodes. If you have to listen to them over and over again, 24 hours a day, fine.

You know, it's always good to have someone who is going to be a positive in your life, in your ear, in your head. It's always good to have somebody who's going to be that positive around somebody who's going to drive you to become the greatness that you are. All right. So I will see you on the next episode. I am sending you the utmost love and the utmost.

of knowing that somebody is behind you. Somebody believes in you. I believe in you. I believe you can do this. I believe you're going to be amazing. I believe in you. Even if you don't believe in you yet. Believing in yourself takes time. It takes effort. It takes work. And you will get there. But until you do, I believe in you. I believe that you can do this. I know what it's like to be a woman.

I know how hard it can be. You've got this. You already have everything that you need inside of you. Even if you don't believe it yet, I believe in you. And I am in your corner. So don't ever think that you are alone because you aren't. Okay. I will see you in the next episode. Okay.

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